Seminars - 2018 |
Mobilising theory through practice: Authentic learning through student-centred, socially-embedded pedagogies
Bradley reflects on teaching and learning practices in two undergraduate human geography modules at the University of the Western Cape: Introduction to Human Geography; and Space, Place and Mobility in Southern Africa. Content in both modules focuses on mobilities theory and its application toward understanding the shaping of space, place and subjectivity. Teaching and learning activities in both modules include student-generated knowledge through reflections on everyday mobility in the form of e-learning activities and autoethnographic diaries and essays. In this presentation, Bradley thus, aims to share some examples of the teaching and learning activities, describe the role of e-learning and mobile diaries in linking theory and practice, and reflect on the outcome of these teaching and learning practices. The results from learning activities exemplify the innate understanding of critical concepts in mobilities studies, including the experience of movement, its meanings, and practices within the context of the global South. Comments from student evaluations demonstrate the importance of making connections between theory and practice, at the same time the mobile diary method serves as an innovative practice of teaching, learning and student assessment. |
Dr Bradley Rink,
(A) synchronous online discussions as a means of formative assessment The Master’s Programme in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) is designed for health professionals wishing to pursue a career in health leadership and management at district, national, and regional levels. This programme attracts health professionals in mid-level leadership positions and higher, who generally have the goal of improving their ability to provide leadership and manage programmes and resources aligned to public health programmes designed to improve the health outcomes of women, children, adolescents, and families. Students are located in South Africa and many African countries. Most health managers work in multi-stakeholder environments where community and stakeholder engagement forms a key aspect of their work. Hence developing their capacity to develop evidence-based strategies, and engaging with the perspectives of diverse stakeholders is a core competency that the programme aims to develop. To this end, the Vula discussion forum and chat room are integral to teaching, learning, and assessment practices.
Dr Jawaya Shea
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Cape Town Seminar Duration: 41 mins |
Workshops |
Learning theories & Pedagogical strategies in your course This workshop seeks to help lecturers answer two key questions: What learning theories underpin your practice, and how does our knowledge of learning theories and pedagogic strategies shape our design of learning activities. |
Facilitators: Tabisa Mayisela & Glenda Cox 2 hour workshop
Big questions for course design This workshop introduces key questions that course designers and educators need to bear in mind when planning and teaching courses. We will examine these in relation to the following three areas.
Faciltators: Tabisa Mayisela and Tony Carr 2 hour workshop
Assessment in learning This workshop will focus on some of the key issues in developing assessment practices that support student learning. Drawing on participant cases, we’ll introduce key concepts in assessment design as a basis for developing assessment activities that better support student learning. We imagine this session will be a stimulus to your deeper engagement with the challenges of assessment and an opportunity to develop connections with colleagues focusing on developing their assessment practices.
2 hour workshop
Teaching and Learning in blended environments The purpose of this session is to work with participants interested in exploring or reconceptualizing how they could design a learning experience for students, from technology-enhanced face-to-face sessions, through hybrid or blended learning offerings, to full online options. This workshop will focus on three issues:
Facilitators: Tabisa Mayisela and Shanali Govender Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Facilitating online and blended courses – An introduction Effective online facilitation is core to learning and teaching in online and blended courses. Lecturers need to undergo an essential shift in mindset: viewing ourselves as facilitators rather than deliverers of knowledge. Sound online facilitation skills enable educators to engage students/participants in debate, group work and shared knowledge construction across a range of online conversational spaces. This interactive session provides an introduction to online facilitation and shares resources and further opportunities to develop the necessary orientation to become an effective online facilitator. |
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Be introduced to free web-based classroom response systems for facilitating student interaction and engagement. In this workshop, participants will explore practices that could foster student engagement in their courses. In the session, participants will also:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Rethinking your awareness of Copyright and openly licensed teaching materials This workshop is an introduction to Copyright and Creative Commons (CC). In the session, participants will:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Facilitating classroom participation using educational technologies
In this workshop, participants will explore practices that could foster student engagement in their courses. In the session, participants will also:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Essentials for teaching and learning online
The purpose of this series is to work with participants on reconceptualizing how they could design a hybrid/blended or full online learning experience for students. This workshop will provide you with an online learning experience as you explore the essentials of online teaching and learning. In order to get the most out of this experience, you will need to be able to schedule approximately 20 minutes daily for engagement, including accessing the group chatroom, and being eager to interact with others on issues pertaining to online learning design. This workshop will focus on three issues:
A week-long asynchronous series that ends off with a 1 hour live online session (via Adobe Connect) |
Vula Course Evaluation Sprint Session
The Vula Course Evaluation tool provides a way of eliciting student evaluation, feedback and review of your course. The Vula Team invites all staff needing support with creating or adapting course evaluations to join them during this two-hour hands-on session. One-on-one support will be provided and we shall work with you at any stage of yo |
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop |
Engaging with the assessment of student work, including in online or blended spaces
This workshop will focus on the following challenges/issues:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Digital literacies for library staff
Vula Basic Training This hands-on session is for UCT staff who require basic knowledge and skills for using Vula for course and/or research administration purposes. Aspects that will be covered in this session include:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
The design of course evaluations that matter This workshop will focus on design issues around the development of course evaluations that enable the collection of meaningful information. Some of the topics that will be addressed will be:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Vula Assessment Tools
Vula offers a range of assessment tools, such as assignments (including Turnitin functionality) and Test & Quizzes.
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop |
Introduction to online collaboration tools
Online collaboration tools enable students to communicate, collaborate, and problem solve despite physical distance. In this workshop, we will explore a variety of collaboration tools including, but not limited to, Google Docs, Skype and Adobe Connect.
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop
Using classroom response systems to facilitate student engagement
Student engagement can be one of the important indicators for a successful class experience. In this workshop, you will explore teaching and learning practices that foster student engagement, including the use of free web-based classroom response systems, such as Mentimeter and Socrative. In this session, participants will:
Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in CHED at the University of Cape Town 2 hour workshop