Book chapter
Kell, C. & Czerniewicz, L. (2016). Visibility of scholarly research and changing research communication practices: A case study from Namibia. In A. Esposito (Ed.) Research 2.0 and the impact of digital technologies on scholarly inquiry. Hershey: IGI Global. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/23990
Synthesis report
Trotter, H., Kell, C., Willmers, M., Gray, E. & King, T. (2014). Seeking impact and visibility: Scholarly Communication in Southern Africa. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme synthesis report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2310
Czerniewicz, L., Kell, C., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Changing research communication practices and open scholarship: A framework for analysis. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/9068
Neylon, C., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Rethinking impact: Applying Altmetrics to Southern African research. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2316
Swan, A., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Costs and benefits of open access: A guide for managers in South African higher education. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2324
Van Schalkwyk, F. (2014). Zero proximity: Increasing the online visibility of academics at the University of Mauritius. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2335
Institutional briefs
Neylon, C., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014.) Impact beyond citation: An introduction to Altmetrics. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme brief. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2314
Neylon, C., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Illustrating impact: Applying Altmetrics to Southern African research. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme brief. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2316
Swan, A., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Opening access to Southern African research: Recommendations for university managers. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme brief. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2313
Swan, A., Willmers, M. & King, T. (2014). Research publishing models: A guide for university managers. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme brief. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2315
Institutional case studies
Trotter, H., Kell, C., Willmers, M., Gray, E. & King, T. (2014). Scholarly communication at the University of Cape Town: Case study report. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2367
Trotter, H., Kell, C., Willmers, M., Gray, E. & Beeharry, G.K. & King, T. (2014). Scholarly communication at the University of Mauritius: Case study report. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2389
Trotter, H., Kell, C., Willmers, M., Gray, E., Mchombu, K. & King, T. (2014). Scholarly communication at the University of Namibia: Case study report. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2378
Trotter, H., Kell, C., Willmers, M., Gray, E. & Totolo, A. & King, T. (2014). Scholarly communication at the University of Botswana: Case study report. Scholarly Communication in Africa Programme report. Available at: https://open.uct.ac.za/handle/11427/2356