Migrate your most updated Vula site to Amathuba with the Self-Service Conversion Tool. See the step-by-step process to migrate your Vula site to the new learning platform or view the video and guided text. Be aware that this process can take a few minutes to hours depending on what is on your site.
- The self-service auto-conversion will copy your Vula site content including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Gradebook, Lessons, Resources, Rubrics and Tests & Quizzes across into an Amathuba reference site.
- Your new blank course or community site will be created, and you will copy your content from the reference site.
- A conversion report will be generated providing specific recommendations for setting up your Amathuba site.
Please note: first-year course migrations discussed with your department, see conversion type 1 and 2, are being supported by CILT’s Amathuba team and should NOT use the self service conversion tool.

Add the "Convert to Amathuba" tool to your Vula site
In your Vula site that you want to convert to Amathuba:
1.1 Navigate to Site Setup > Manage Tools
1.2 Select the checkbox next to “Convert to Amathuba”
1.3 Click on the “Continue” button
1.4 Confirm the newly added “Convert to Amathuba” tool and click on the “Finish” button
1.5 Your newly added “Convert to Amathuba” tool will be added at the bottom of the navigation panel on the left-hand side.

Initiate the Conversion Setup
In your Vula site that you want to convert to Amathuba:
2.1 Click on your newly added “Convert to Amathuba” tool to access the “Conversion Setup”.
2.2 If you would like to convert your Vula site and create a new course or community site on Amathuba, select the button in line with this option.
Note: that this is subject to the relevant Faculty approval
2.3 If you would like to convert your Vula site but do not need to create a new course or community course site on Amathuba, select the button in line with this option.
2.4 Enter any additional email addresses to be notified of this conversion process.
2.5 Click on the “Start Conversion” button to begin the conversion process.
- You will receive an email confirming that the conversion process has started for your Vula site
- Depending on the size of the site and the processing of other concurrent conversions, this may take a few minutes to several hours

Track the Conversion Progress
3.1 You will be able to track the progress of your conversion from Starting point, to Exporting, Running, Uploading, Importing and Finally Updating.
3.2 Upon successful completion, you will receive an email confirming that the conversion process has completed for your Vula site.
3.3 Within Vula, upon successful conversion completion, you will be presented with information and links to your conversion report, your converted reference site and your new Amathuba site.
3.4 The Conversion Report provides you with information about some important things to note as well as issues that have been flagged in your site which may need further attention. These are displayed on information cards with links to more information about the potential issue.
3.5 The “more information” link outlines the steps you could take to address the flagged issues and shows you how to implement these.
3.6 The conversion report also provides a list of tools used in your Vula site and how these translate to available tools within Amathuba. The “more information” link provides further details about the tool and how it works within Amathuba.
Note: That as a reference site, this is a copy of your Vula site on Amathuba and should not be used for teaching purposes or other activities.
3.8 The link to your new Amathuba site is a direct link that will open your newly created blank course or community site on Amathuba.
NOTE: This is where you will import and update content and activities ready for teaching.

Copy the Converted Content to your Amathuba Site
Your newly created course or community site on Amathuba will initially be blank. You will need to populate it by copying content from your reference site into your blank course or community site.
In the new Amathuba course or community site:
4.1 Click on “Manage Course > Course Admin”.
4.2 On the Course Administration Page, select “Import /Export / Copy Components”.
4.3 On the Import /Export / Copy Components page:
a. Click on the “Search for offering” button
b. Search for your reference site and select it from the search results
c. Then click on the “Add selected” button.
4.4 Click on the “Copy all components” button to begin the copying process.
a. A message will confirm that copying is in progress.
b. A green checkmark will indicate when copying has completed.
4.5 Click on the “View Content” button to view the copied content in your new course or community site.
In Amathuba in the new course or community site:
4.6 You may now start to edit content and activities as required in your new course or community site. Refer back to the conversion report for what changes and issues may need to be fixed on your new course or community site.
NOTE: Instructions to Import / Export / Copy content are also available with the Amathuba Resources on the CILT website.

Help and Support
If the conversion of your Vula site runs into an unexpected error and conversion fails, you will be notified of this in the “Convert to Amathuba” tool in Vula.
You will also receive an email notifying you that the conversion has failed but the CILT Helpdesk Team will be investigating as to the cause.
If you require further assistance you can review the Amathuba resources available here or contact the CILT Helpdesk.
You can also download our Amathuba self-service conversion guide below: