What is the UCT Assessment Project?
The UCT Assessment Project: Enabling student success through transformed programmes of assessment was conducted from 2021-2023. The project focused on improving the practice of assessment at undergraduate level across all faculties with a view to improving learning outcomes for all students. It primarily focused on staff development as a means to achieve this. The UCT Assessment Project was one of thirteen projects at UCT that were funded by a University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG), and was led by Sukaina Walji who took over the role of Project Lead from Professor Alan Cliff in April 2022.
Project Team
The Assessment Project Team worked in conjunction with faculty representatives from the Assessment Framework Working Group (AFWG) at UCT. Project Team members included:
- Ms Sukaina Walji - CILT
- Dr Danny Fontaine-Rainen - Dean’s Office
- Ms Sanet Steyn - CEA
- Professor Francois Cilliers - Faculty of Health Sciences
- Dr Cheng-Wen Huang - CILT
- Ms Soraya Lester - CILT
- Professor Alan Cliff - CILT
Project Scope
The practice of assessment is enacted by academics who typically learn assessment on the job rather than through formal education and who may have limited assessment literacy. That practice is influenced by numerous factors including lecturers’ conceptions of assessment and assessment policy. The UCT Assessment Policy was previously updated in 2015. Since then, understanding of assessment practice and the learning effects of assessment has advanced considerably. The experience of remote teaching during COVID-19 highlighted the dependence of a large number of courses on traditional invigilated examinations, and at the same time, provided an opportunity to use different modes of assessment. Bearing this context in mind and the goal of improving the quality of assessment at undergraduate level across all faculties at UCT, the project was comprised of the following components:
- Scoping of Assessment Policies at South African and International Universities
- Revising the UCT Assessment Policy
- Mapping of undergraduate assessment practices across UCT
- Survey of Assessment Practices completed by academics teaching undergraduate courses at UCT
- Design and implement a supporting resource on assessment for academics
- Deploy an enhanced Assessment Studio for course-based assessment consultation
Project Outputs
- Presentation on Student Focus Groups for the International Higher Education Teaching Learning Association 2023 [June 2023]
- Report on Undergraduate Assessment Practices at UCT (includes findings from the Assessment Survey completed by academics teaching undergraduates courses and the undergraduate course mapping exercise) [August 2023]
- Report on Policy Feedback submitted in 2022 [2022]
- Presentation on Continuous Assessment for the Teaching and Learning Conference 2022 [October 2022]
- Report on the Scoping of Assessment Policies [April 2021]
- Revised UCT Assessment Policy Supporting resources to the revised Assessment Policy, including the Good Practices Assessment Guide and the Assessment Studio - contact Cheng-Wen Huang or Shanali Govender for more information.
Contact Us
If you would like to learn more about the project or reach a project member please contact Soraya Lester who will assist you.