Journal articles icon


Journal articles

Bali, M, Gachago, D., & Pallitt, N. 2024. Compassionate Learning Design as Practised by Equity- Oriented Learning Designers. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE).

Carvalho, L; Czerniewicz, L; Lamb. J (2024) Positive, Postdigital Spaces for Learning Postdigital Science and Education, 6 (4) pp. 1334-1349 Springer International Publishing

Cox, G., & Masuku, B. (2024). Student Co-Creation of Open Textbooks: Reflections on Power Dynamics and Building a Sense of Belonging in Higher Education. The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Journal, 3(2), 1–15.

Gachago, D., Huang, C.-W., Immenga, C., Cox, G., Mosienyane, T. & Govender, S. 2024. Designing in the Times of AI: Co-Creation as a Strategy towards Emergent Learning Design. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS), 6 (1),

Gachago, D., Hlatshwayo, M., Nkoala, S., & Van Heerden, L. 2024. Two unlikely bedfellows: Towards a decolonial unconference methodology. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 12(SI1), 21–43.

Khoo, S. ming, Harney, O., Hogan, M., Prinsloo, P., Algers, A., Belluigi, D., Brink, C, Buckley, L, Carolissen, R, Cheng, M, Cronin, C, Czerniewicz, L & Stein, S. (2024). Connecting the challenges of quality and equality in higher education using the collective intelligence approach: findings from an international expert panel. Quality in Higher Education, 1–25.

Magunje, C., Chigona, A., & Gachago, D. 2024. Investigating in academic staff development to foster transformative learning for sustainable e-learning: a case of one institution in higher learning. South African Journal for Higher Education (SAJHE), 38(3): 230–249.

Masuku, B., Cox, G. and Willmers, M. (2024). Elevating student voice and levelling traditional power hierarchies through open textbook co-creation: What do students say? Social Sciences 14(1): 6.

Winfield, J. & Hodgkinson-Williams, C. (2024). Enabling accessible blended learning for equity: A case of a first-year accounting course at the University of Cape Town. International Journal of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning. In press.

Books icon



Cliff, A. (2024). Thirty years of literacies testing at the University of Cape Town. A critical reflection on the work and its impact. Springer Nature.

Chapter icon


Books chapters

Gachago, D. 2024. When Co-Creating across Difference. Commentary in Inger-Marie F. Christensen, Lina Markauskaite, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Dwayne Ripley and Roland Hachmann (Eds): Creating Design Knowledge in Educational Innovation: Theory, Methods, and Practice. Taylor-Francis.

Peer-review icon


Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

J Feldman, & L Czerniewicz (2024) Timescapes when everything happens all at once: Educator temporalities in an unequal crisis, in Volume 14 (2024): Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning, Edited by Maria Cutajar, Carmel Borg, Maarten de Laat, Nina Bonderup Dohn & Thomas Ryberg, Published: 07-05-2024

Mayisela, T., Huang, C-W & Govender, S. (2024). The COOL e-Research and Researcher Development Experiences: A Mentor and Mentee Perspective. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Research hosted by the Independent Institute of Education (IIE), Cape Town, South Africa on 21-22 November 2024. Available: https://papers.academicconferences. org/index.php/icer/article/view/3121

Conference presentation icon


Conference presentations

Cilliers, F., Walji, S., Huang, CW., Lester., S & Steyn, S. (2024) AI’s curveball: Is the problem with assessment or with our learning outcomes? Assessment in the age of AI: Contemplations and Innovations Symposium, Stellenbosch. 9 October 2024.

Cox, G. (November 2024). The future of open education in higher education in South Africa. Open Education Global, Brisbane, Australia.

Cox, G. (November 2024) Is equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in Open Education everyone’s business? Open is Everyone’s Business. Open education Global conference, Brisbane, Australia (13 November)

Cox, G., Stanlik, S., Kurlanska, C., Bakermans, M., Masuku, B., Gold, A. Ostapowicz-Critz & Willmers, M. (October 2024). Student partnerships in open education addressing power dynamics and belonging in STEM teaching. Open Education Conference 2024 (hybrid presentation).

Reddy et al 2024. Designing for Socially Just Partnerships: Student Staff Collaborations at UCT. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town.

Gachago et al. 2024. Designing in the times of AI: Cocreation as a strategy towards emergent learning design. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town.

Gachago, D. Bali, M. & Pallitt, N. 2024. Narratives of Resistance from Equity-Oriented Learning Designer.. ICED2024, 4-6 of June 2024, Nairobi, Kenya.

Govender, S., Immega, C. & Gachago, D. 2024. Designing Systems with Care: Responding to Inequality in an Online Course in South Africa. ICED2024, 4-6 of June 2024, Nairobi, Kenya.

Govender, S, Gachago D. et al. (2024). A BOLD proposition: Designing for radical flexibility in a PGDip on Blended and Online Learning Design. Heltasa 2024, 26–28 November, Polokwane.

Reddy, M. et al. (2024). Critical Dialogues on Student Staff Partnerships. Heltasa 2024, 26–28 November, Polokwane.

Marquard, S. & Steyn, S. (2024). The journey to a new student feedback system at UCT. Explorance Impact Tour 2024. Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Masuku, B. & Willmers, M. (November 2024). Open textbooks and the empowerment of students as partners in curriculum change. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference.

Mayisela, T. (2024). Using the BOLD Postgraduate Diploma to pilot the implementation of microcredentials for enhancing lifelong learning: A means of advancing social justice in South Africa. Presented at the OE Global conference held in Brisbane, Australia, 13–15 November 2024.

Mayisela, T. (2024). Digital Transformation and AI: Charting a New Course for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Keynote at the 8th Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Zululand, 23–25 October 2024.

Marozhe, L., Small, J., & Reddy, M. (2024) Critical generative AI literacy: Developing a framework. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town.

Reddy, M., & Mayisela, T. (2024). Unpacking and reimagining curriculum transformation: A creative exploration of concepts and practices at UCT. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town.

Reddy, M., Deacon, A., & Deane, N. (2024). Conceptualising AI literacies in higher education. SAAALP Conference. Pretoria

Selman, D., Butler, L., & Reddy, M. (2024). Exploring and Enabling Accessible Blended Learning for Equity. UCT Teaching and Learning Conference. Cape Town

Vilakati, N., Small, J. & Nwanze, I. (2024), Exploring Epistemic Agency in a Blended Learning Project: A Reflective Inquiry (conference presentation). HELTASA (Un)Conference, Polokwana, South Africa, 26–29 November 2024, online.

Walji, S. (2024). The Possibilities and Challenges of Process-Driven Assessment Design in an Environment of Pervasive AI. EDEN Annual conference, Graz, Austria. 16-18 June 2024. https://edeneurope. eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-AC-Proceedings_final_2.pdf

Walji, S. (2024). Assessment, AI, and Agency: Reimagining student-teacher dynamics in contested educational futures (keynote presentation). 2nd Innovations in the Science of Teaching and Learning (iSoTL) Conference, Durban, South Africa, 26–27 September.

Walji, S., Cilliers, F., Huang, CW., Lester., S & Steyn, S. (2024) Navigating a new terrain: University students' engagement with Generative AI in assessment support through the lens of the Fraud Diamond framework. Assessment in the age of AI: Contemplations and Innovations Symposium, Stellenbosch, 9 October 2024.

Walji, S. & Marquard, S. (October 2024). How AI is shaping teaching and learning at the University of Cape Town. D2L Connection, Cape Town, South Africa, 15 October 2024.

Willmers, M. (November 2024) Publishing an academic book. UCT Emerging Researcher Programme (online).

Publications icon


Other publications

Czerniewicz, L & Cronin, C (2024) ‘The entanglement of learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies with the global polycrisis in T. Cochrane, V. Narayan, E. Bone, C. Deneen, M. Saligari, K. Tregloan, & R. Vanderburg (Eds.), Navigating the Terrain: Emerging frontiers in learning spaces, pedagogies, and technologies. Proceedings ASCILITE 2024. Melbourne.

Farrow, R. (ed.), Ashman, M., Baff, D., Bozkurt, A., Dubien, D., Eldridge, B., Elias, T., Iniesto, F., Jacobsen, M., Jhangiani, R. S., Johnson, K. R., Johnston, S. L, Katz, S., Khetarpal, M., Mayisela, T., McGreal, R., O’Reilly, J., Peramunugamage, A., Pete, J., Pitt, B. & Vladimirschi, V. (2024). The GO-GN Guide to Doctoral Supervision. Global OER Graduate Network / Open Education Research Hub.