The Digital Open Textbooks for Development (DOT4D) project investigates the current ecosystem of open textbook publishing activity and provides implementation support in open textbook publishing activity at the University of Cape Town. It also aims to support policy-makers and other stakeholders in the development of institutional and national policy frameworks that govern open textbook publishing activity and address long-term sustainability mechanism.
The primary, overarching objective of the DOT4D initiative is to contribute to improving inclusion in South African higher education by addressing equitable access to appropriate and relevant learning resources.
The specific objectives are to articulate and identify the options for open textbook approaches which contribute to a social justice agenda; support open textbook publishing activity at UCT that prioritises strategies for integrating student perspective, curriculum transformation, and sustainability; and Inform current textbook publishing policy-development initiatives at institutional and national levels.
DOT4D is located in the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching at UCT and funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre. For more detail, visit the project at: http://www.dot4d.uct.ac.za