Getting started
Course design
Course creation
Student engagement
Assessing learning


I want to explore

building an online community among my students
building an online community among my students [video | doc]
including student engagement activities in the course design
including student engagement activities in the course design [doc]
collaborative writing
collaborative writing [doc]
collaborative reading through document annotation
collaborative reading through document annotation [doc]
building an online community among my students
synchronous teaching [doc] and video conferencing [doc]

I want to use tools to

redesigning my assessments for online teaching
communicate via Announcements [video]
use Lessons to add interactivity
use Lessons to add interactivity [video]
use Lessons to add interactivity
use Forums [video]
including student engagement activities in the course design
use Chat Room [video]
including student engagement activities in the course design
use Q&A tool [video]
use Blogs
use Blogs [video]
track student engagement
track student engagement [doc]
building an online community among my students
host a live online class [doc]
move labs and practicals online
move labs and practicals online [doc]
collaborative writing
use Google Drive for collaboration  [video]
building an online community among my students
use Microsoft Teams for hosting live classes and collaboration [website]
collaborative writing
use Whatsapp for collaboration [doc]
use Google Drive for collaboration
use Wooclap interactive polling in your live classes and Vula lessons [doc]
collaborative writing
create collaborative boards for class through Padlet [doc]
collaborative reading through document annotation
add collaborative annotations for discussion and grading around key readings through Hypothesis [doc]