Lara Karassellos

Learning Design Consultant
Lara holds DPhil Education student at the University of Oxford. Lara has been working in online education for the past 8 years, supporting universities and academics in their transition to blended and online learning.

Some notable projects include:
  • The development and presentation of the University of Cape Town’s first accredited blended postgraduate diploma.
  • The creation of an online tutor training course for GetSmarter’s academic staff.
  • A blended learning collaboration between the University of Namibia and the University of Cape Town to transform the current MSc in Civil Engineering to a blended format.
  • The development and presentation of GetSmarter’s first international short course with Goldsmiths, University of London.
Her research is focussed on exploring inclusive and accessible pedagogic practices in online and blended spaces to support South African university students' epistemological access to disciplinary knowledge.