Are you curious about the impact of ChatGPT in the classroom? The buzz around this powerful tool has generated both excitement and concerns among educators andresearchers. We invite you to be part of an engaging panel discussion where we delve into the topic of "How can we respond to ChatGPT in the classroom: Restrict, adapt, or adopt?"

Our panellists include experienced lecturers Zainab Ruhwanya (Information Systems) and Dr. Anita Campbell (Mathematics), who have utilised ChatGPT in their classrooms. They will be joined by Dr. Jan Buys, an expert in large language models (LLM) from the department of Computer Science.

Hosted by CILT Director, Sukaina Walji, we’ll explore and interrogate the diverse perspectives our panellists hold, covering aspects such as academic integrity and AI detection tools. Whether you're in favour of adapting to or adopting generative AI inyour teaching practice, this discussion will provide valuable insights to shape your approach.